Colours of Tourmaline, Octobers Birthstone

Colours of Tourmaline, Octobers Birthstone

Just one of two Octobers Birthstones, Tourmaline has some beautiful shades, in pinks, browns, blacks, greens, topaz, purple and more.

Together they just look like little sweeties with their lush colours 

Pink is probably the best known shade, more commonly available for bead jewellery makers like myself, the beautiful dusky pink shade mixes well with the silver


I have made about 20 tourmaline designs ready to be made to you or your recipients requirements; size and initials, have a browse and pick a gift for that October birthday lady, I can wrap up ready for gifting and send direct with a gift note if you are unable to visit due to Lockdowns

Watch out for the next 'new creations' project, I have a couple of sneak previews on the website already, but my lips are sealed till the next blog post

Clicky Link time

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